VMTA Sight Reading Syllabus

STATE CHAIR: Fay Barss, 2022 Milbank Road, Richmond, VA 23229, 804-282-7725, [email protected] 

DATE AND LOCATION: Refer to calendar of events

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all students.

APPLICATION FORM: Online form available here.  Printable from available here.

ENTRANCE FEE: $20 paid by online payment portal or mail-in check. (Please collect all fees from your students and make one payment for your entire studio. Make personal checks payable to your Local Association. Do not send individual checks from students.)

PERFORMING MEDIA: Piano, Voice, and Instrumental

SPECIAL SIGHT READING TEST GUIDELINES: Those students wishing to compete in District Auditions must pass the designated Sight Reading level required for his/her level of competition. Students do not have to pass subsequent sight reading tests if they have passed the designated sight reading test for their level of competition.

WHAT TO EXPECT: The student will be asked to look over the music before he plays. For levels 1 through 9, the student will be given 2 pieces to sight read. Levels 10, 11, and 12 are only one piece.

The judge will ask questions about the piece before the student plays. The student will then be asked to tap the rhythm, hands together. The student might be asked to count out loud while he taps.

In long pieces, the judge will reserve the right to stop the student’s performance before the end of the piece.

Sight reading terminology will be based on musical terms and signs used in the VMTA theory syllabus according to level. Correct use of fingering will be a factor.

What might be asked:

  • Explain the time signature. What does the bottom number mean?
  • How many dotted half notes are there in this piece?
  • On the fall board, with both hands, tap the rhythm for measures 3&4.
  • Are there any sharps or flats?

Whereas every effort will be taken by the sight reading committee to choose appropriate music in order to stay within the guidelines of the syllabus, it is obvious other musical aspects might appear in the given piece. If this does occur, the judges will be instructed to explain this to the student and it will not affect the student’s grade.

AWARDS: The student will receive a score sheet showing his/her strengths and weaknesses, and a certificate with appropriate ribbons. Categories shall be as follows:

SUPERIOR95-100Certificate with blue ribbon
EXCELLENT88-94Certificate with red ribbon
VERY GOOD81-87Certificate with green ribbon

DEADLINE: Refer to the calendar of events.